Talent And Inspiration: The Two Worst Creative Excuses

The Chaotic Creative
5 min readAug 31, 2020

The truth about natural propensities and moments of brilliance

Photo by Clark Young on Unsplash

It goes without saying that our greatest enemy is often ourselves. Doubt is the anthesis of freedom, and thus the ultimate destroyer of creativity.

Insecurity, the desire to pin our personal demons on a scapegoat, and a lack of faith in our own abilities often allow doubt to bloom in our lives. This isn’t a mean-spirited judgement, but a fact. I’m guilty of feeling this way myself sometimes.

Everyone is at some point.

The main problem is that we often chalk up elements of creativity and productivity to some mystical energy that plays favorites.

There are two in particular that I hear most often:

  1. “Talent”: a magical, natural endowment of brilliance at something upon birth.

examples: perfect pitch, athletic build or ability from a young age, natural leadership qualities and extroversion


2. “Inspiration”: a sudden, spiritual blast of enlightenment that bestows its recipients with amazing ideas and distinguishes them from the rest.

examples: being suddenly pushed “into the zone” when writing and suddenly churning out masterful work, being driven by something…

